URGENT! SHOCKING Truth About Hydration: What Salt Water Can Do for You!

Vital Elements for Life

There are four vital elements necessary for life: oxygen, water, sodium, and potassium. These are essential in maintaining health and supporting bodily functions.

The Importance of Water
Water makes up 75-85% of the human body and plays an essential role in cellular functions. It’s crucial for water to enter the cells, not just pass through the body. Water is important in maintaining metabolic processes and protecting the organs within the body.

The Role of Sodium
Sodium, found in seawater with 92 minerals, is vital for helping water enter cells. It helps maintain fluid balance and cellular function. Celtic salt, which contains 82 minerals, is recommended over table salt, which only contains sodium chloride, for maintaining long-term health.

Sodium and Potassium Balance
Sodium is typically found outside the cells, while potassium is concentrated inside cells, especially in fresh fruits and vegetables. Maintaining a balance between sodium and potassium is crucial for cellular function and overall health. An imbalance can lead to issues with cellular functions, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health.